
The 3G to 5G migration is unavoidable and has someeffects on ELDs. The change will take place in early 2022. It will affect the ELDcommunication for most devices. Therefore, all carriers must organize withtheir ELD providers to get the necessary support services. The change is costlybut necessary.

The Effect on the ELDs

As reported by Freight Waves, the fifth generation is an upgrade to the existing technology. Most mobile devices have moved to 5G and need software that can work well with it. The main advantage of the 5G includes faster data rates. Another advantage is that it reduces delays during the transfer of information. Therefore, the main positive thing about 5G is its efficiency.

The biggest challenge will remainthe need to adopt the changes, especially for devices on 3G. Verizon andAT&T already began the movement to 5G. Eventually, the regulators will declareELDs that only work with 3G as outdated. Such ELDs won’t send nor receive therequired information. Shortage of the equipment required to enable themigration is another challenge. Providers must work on the same to make the processsuccessful.

Why the Need for ELDs?

ELDs offer the platform used to record driving time, hours of service, and mileage covered. Individuals who drive commercial vehicles use the ELDs for many purposes. They are a legal requirement, and therefore, all commercial vehicles must have them. ELDs are important for good planning and management. They record all the behaviors while vehicles are on the road. They also help reduce road accidents and premiums paid for insurance.

Despite the costs involved in acquiring and upgrading ELDs, they are quite important. Though there may seem to be time, carriers have a limited time to move to 5G. Without the upgrade, ELDs that are only supported on 3G will not work. And, if obsolete, they will lead to many issues with the regulators.

3G to 5G Migration, and the Effect on ELDs

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