Industry news

The adoption of electric trucks is not as simple as it may sound. Drivers and technicians require lots of training. The training equips them with knowledge and skills to operate electric trucks. It will take time to have all the necessary plans for a successful implementation. Nevertheless, electric trucks will offer a means of safe transportation for the environment.

Charging Infrastructure for the Electric Trucks

Since the trucks would be fully electric, they require charging. Therefore, there is a need to install charging infrastructure in rest areas to recharge the trucks during breaks. There is a lot to learn about the charging infrastructure before going fully electric. However, there are no charging stations in place, so it would be up to trackers to facilitate charging of their trucks.

For drivers to be able to charge the trucks, heavy infrastructure is required. Preferably, the DC fast-charging systems would best suit the trucks. George Miller stated that truckers must plan on the route and payload transporting. The route and payload will determine the kind of batteries needed. In addition, truckers must observe factors like temperature and the charging routine. And such factors will affect the batteries' lifespan.

Operational savings of the Electric Trucks

Miller stated that the electric trucks would save on many costs that would have otherwise been spent on fuel. Most of the maintenance work is software-related; therefore, the cost would be lesser. The usage of the trucks will determine the weight of the batteries. The braking technology installed on the electric trucks will also help with recharging.
Education requirements

Ken Marko stated that moving to zero-emission would not be an easy task. Proper preparation is the key to the success of the process. All the people involved need lessons on all matters about electric trucks. They must understand how to operate them and repair them. In addition, the users will need to understand all the data generated by the sensors on the trucks.

The adoption of electric trucks would be more successful if people learned and accepted them quickly. Therefore, educating them is the way forward for the project's success. In addition, drivers would require simplified data from the sensors to help them operate well. In the end, the environment would be safe from pollution caused by fuels.

Adoption of Electric Trucks

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