
There is a challenge regarding the rate of adoption of safety technologies by truckers. Federal regulators are pushing for the use of technologies to enhance safety. Such technology includes the automatic braking system on heavy trucks. However, some trucking trade organizations hope for a voluntary transition. They believe that through the Tech-Celerate Now program, education and research data would help smoothen the acceptance of the technologies.

The Safety Technologies

There are many different technologies that the federations want to enforce their adoption. The primary purpose of the advancements on the trucks is to have utmost safety on the roads. The technologies include the automatic emergency braking system, whose main aim is to assist the driver brake during unforeseen emergencies. Another system required is the driver-assist system or the automated driving system. The systems report crashes, giving out the information necessary to avoid any further road incidences.

Other safety technologies include adaptive cruise control, active steering systems, lane-departure and forward-collision warning systems, and onboard cameras. All the advancements, if adopted and embraced, would help minimize accidents that involve trucks. The Tech-Celerate Now program will help convince drivers and motor carriers to accept the safety technologies.

Acceptance and Adoption of the Safety Technologies

Having the safety technologies in place is one thing; however, fully accepting and adopting the same is another. The rate of adoption of the same varies largely. The rate of acceptance reported was higher amongst larger motor carriers. On the other hand, the owner-operators were reportedly reluctant in the adoption. Dan Horvath, ATA's vice president of safety policy, says that the adoption rate was better than in previous years. He, however, acknowledged that it is not where it should be.

Dan Murray reiterated that the best way to convince drivers is through data and science and not through rumors they hear. Post-sales support is highly needed to educate carriers on how the systems work. Richard Beyer noted that it's essential for drivers to know what every signal produced by the safety technologies means. The best way to make the acceptance seamless is to have the involved parties well informed on the importance of the technologies.

Challenges Hindering Adoption of the Safety Technologies

Like any other change, many challenges slow down the adoption rate of the technologies introduced. Andrew King, a research analyst with the OOIDA Foundation, claimed that they hardly see any returns on investing in safety technologies. Drivers and other motor carriers that have been in the game for years and have never been in any accidents rarely see the need for safety technologies.

Misinformation amongst drivers is another reason there has been a slow rate of adoption. For instance, some drivers believe that the systems take complete control of the tucks, which the technical experts denied. Other drivers wouldn't accept having the driver-facing cameras claiming that it's an invasion of their privacy. Some of them have not adopted the technologies due to the costs involved in acquiring the same.

The safety technologies are meant to safeguard the lives of the people while on the roads. If well-educated and informed, most motor carriers would see the need to adopt the technologies. If the government offers incentives for the adoption, most carriers will embrace the technology. With more trucks having safety technologies, the roads would be safer.

Adoption of Safety Technologies

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