
Appreciation for truck drivers is infallible all year round, especially during the holiday season!

During the holiday season, truck drivers require all the appreciation they can get. Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, the drivers have been so productive. They ensured that goods were available on time amid the pandemic. Therefore, it would be fair to celebrate and appreciate the drivers more.

The ATA reported a significant shortage of drivers. Truckers on the road feel the burden of operation due to the increased demand levels. Driver retention is a big challenge; however, the key to addressing the shortage is solving the retention problem. It can start by having better working conditions for the drivers.

Appreciating the Truck Drivers

Appreciating the drivers starts by listening to their demands. They desire to be treated with some respect. Truck driving is one of the most in-demand professions at the moment. Therefore, it is essential to treat them with some respect by availing them of the resources they need while in transit. The drivers also need to be treated just like any employees by their employers. They must be taken as a part of the team of their companies.

Drivers, just like any other employees, deserve some space. Employers must reduce monitoring the drivers and let them operate with some freedom for more productivity. It's lonely on the road, and therefore at times, all the truckers need is some company. Employers must allow those who fancy having their partners or pets while doing deliveries to have them on board.

Companies charge the drivers due to delayed deliveries that are not always their fault. The government also has a significant role to play. The main role is through improving infrastructure. With better roads and bridges, drivers would save more time and make more deliveries. In addition, the authorities have to develop ways to ensure parking slots within the town. By doing so, they would be able to rest adequately and more freely.

The regulators should also develop bills and laws that create a good working environment for truck drivers. Such bills would attract more people, especially women in trucking. FMCSA must also address the age limits for interstate driver hiring to 21 years. If the bills protect truck drivers and promote better pay and retention, the shortages will be massively fewer in the future.

Appreciation for Truck Drivers
Appreciation for Truck Drivers

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