
Prices of diesel are reported to have risen according to reports from the Department of Energy.
The price rise affects both retail diesel and the crude oil in the middle of fears of a possibility of
slowing down of the U.S’s economy. The price rise averaged at 7 cents about the price a year
earlier which was at $3.01 per gallon. The increase affected all regions but the Central Atlantic
where there was a marginal drop according to the DOE after a survey on 25 th March. Similarly,
the previous week, the cost of gasoline nationally rose by 7.5 cents.

On the contrary, Southern California Gas Company announced that they were to lower the price
of compressed natural gas by 26 cents effective from April 1 st . Yuri Freedman claimed that the
low costs would be an excellent relief for truckers who have shifted from gasoline to the use of
natural gas. The cost of natural gas is less in comparison to gasoline and diesel averaging at
$2.37 per gallon in February compared to $3.24, the price of gasoline in California and $3.73 in
Los Angles.

There are moves to produce engines that reduce the emission of nitrogen oxide and at the same
time taking care of the efficiency of diesel engines for convenience with the help of technology.
Robb Janak said that they had duly advanced. They work on the “Jake Brake” which
automatically helps slow down the engine and take control of the vehicle. The primary purpose
of the in-engine is to eliminate the emissions and improve on engine’s efficiency. He also added
the issue of heat handling by the exhaust which he said that would be their job to choose the
technology to adapt since they are offering lots of it and demonstrations of the same are

There have been uncertainties about trade relations between the U.S and China in addition to
economic information that hasn't proven worth liking causing a crisis. Bloomberg claims that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries are working hard to deal with the productions. Phil Flynn was quite adamant that the oil usage had been overpriced and he wasn’t buying the
idea of the threats related to the U.S’s economics. He added that there wasn't any actual reason
for a break at that moment, but argued that need would arise with the problems related to the
price rise.

Cailin Birch reiterated that the last time there was a recession, it wasn’t easy to bear at all. He
said that it was a sign worth fearing to the market. Reports show that inventories rose on the
week that came to a close on 22 nd March in comparison to the previous week, this though, is 2%
lower than the average of five years for that period of the year.

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