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A lawmaker introduced a bathroom access bill for drivers to the state's General Assembly in Pennsylvania. They passed the same law in Washington earlier this year. Jason Silvis said that the issue of access to bathrooms is quite huge. He added that the matter is essential at a national level. He stated that it was not the American way to deny drivers access to restrooms while at work.

In an article by Transport Topics, Silvis noted that he was in support of this bill. Though Silvis has been in office for sixteen months, he started his life behind the wheels. He was a stuntman with a CDL. Even driving the trucks in movies need the CDL since sometimes it involves live traffic. He added that the drivers are significant, and without them, there wouldn't be most of the things they deliver. Finally, he noted that it would be a show of respect to allow drivers to have access to restrooms.

Silvis introduced this bill on March 29th. Several representatives are in support of the Truck Driver Restroom Access Act. Whether shippers or receivers, facilities must grant drivers access to restrooms. The same is only during working hours. The bill is currently with the House Transportation Committee. The point of the bill is to avoid drivers parking trucks dangerously on the highways. Such parking risks both their lives and those of other road users.

The Department of Health will charge a fine of $300 for violating this new law. This bill highlights just one of the issues truckers go through daily. The same is also one of the reasons for the driver shortages. Rebecca Oyler reiterated that for the trucking industry to be more attractive, there is a need for this kind of change.

Sheri Call, president, and CEO of Washington Trucking Associations, also noted that implementing the bill is a step in the right direction. This bill will help restore respect to the truck driving profession. In addition, the bill will facilitate the truckers with enough and ample parking space. This is very positive for the industry.

Bathroom access bill for drivers

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