
The recruitment of drivers in recent times, both those with prowess and those inexperienced, has
majorly been enhanced through the application of digital media. The process of search for
drivers has therefore been made digital to simplify the entire process. On the contrary, there is a
claim that the use of digital media may lead to loss of opportunities and some companies;
therefore, fancy the old recruitment system. Jeremy Reymer claimed that in the past direct mail
was a source of confusion though it’s currently widely used.

One of the companies reverting to the old ways is Heartland Express Inc. (ranked at no. 53 on the
Transport Topics top 100 list), who are hopeful of getting more recruits as they cut off the use of
direct mail. Heartland expressed themselves claiming that their main aim is to address their
entire audience owing to their vast reach according to Steve Feldmann, who is in charge of their
recruitment. He insisted that digital media has a broad range, but only addresses those well
versed with technology, and, therefore Heartland has taken the initiative to venture in both new
and old ways.

Priscila Peters reiterated that she clearly wasn’t sure if the use of both old and new ways was a
trending factor in the industry, but what she was sure is that some old strategies have been
reinterpreted to the current digital drivers. She added that different approaches have their target
population and therefore calls and mail must be integrated into the quest to reach a variety of
audiences. The implementation of digital media with the old strategies has added value for the
carrier. Face-to-face is one method that has been reverted to, though this time with the help of
technologies, e.g. Facebook. She claims that a decade ago, reaching the drivers always counted
on hope and luck.

Feldmann stated that most drivers prefer dealing with something they can touch and feel as a
means of communicating with the recruiters. Reymer, in his view, said that the adverts and
emails must be monitored to evaluate the return on their investments. Amanda McGregor of
United Road Services (ranked at no. 51) said that there is little return from the use of billboards
and mail as far as recruitment is concerned. The company, therefore, uses driver referrals and
digital media which he claims that they bring the majority of the recruitment candidates.

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