Industry news

Brake safety week is a crucial time for all road users. Road safety is something that all road users must be keen on. At all times, safety begins with you. Therefore, everyone has a role in keeping the roads safe. In this case, the authorities take a time of the year to assess how safe commercial vehicles are.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance announced that the brake safety week would be between the 21st to 27th of August. CVSA does the program on an annual basis. It applies to Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. The officials will inspect and report all brake-related data to CVSA. CVSA will then release the results in the fall.

CVSA sidelined most vehicles due to brake-related issues. Brake issues are the most common ones during these checkups. CVSA has a clear plan to address the same. The road check data will be useful in keeping roads safe. The plan is to identify and remove commercial vehicles with brake issues from the road. They will also identify vehicles that are in good condition. CVSA also intends to encourage owners to be spot on as far as maintenance is concerned. CVSA will also urge motorists to be committed to keeping roads safe. They will also take the chance to educate on safety.

CVSA inspected 1,903 vehicles in Canada last year. 15.4% of the lot had brake-related issues. 13.5% out of the 28,694 in the U.S had brake issues. In Mexico, 2.6% of the 5,167 had problems. A big number of the vehicles did not have serious brake-related issues. CVSA put all vehicles with issues off the road. The main aim was to keep the roads safe.

Safety on the roads must be a priority for all road users. The road checks are a routine that would help keep them safe. Motorists must prepare for the upcoming inspection by ensuring that the brake systems are in check. Brake systems are very delicate and owners must always keep them in order. The brake safety week will not only get those who have issues but will also remind others to ensure their brakes are functional.

Brake Safety Week
Brake Safety Week

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