
The Utah Department of Transportation installed a catch-net cable system to solve runaway truck accidents. The system's location is near downhill of the U.S. 89 west of Garden City. Incidents related to trucks crushing have been on the rise in the recent past. The reason for most of the accidents which happen is trucks losing control while in transit. Specifically , the Catch-net cable system will allow drivers to have a place for emergency stops whenever the trucks lose control on the road.

New system for avoiding accidents

UDOT launched the system made of catch-nets meant to slow down and eventually halt trucks that lose control, coming from Logan Canyon. This system is made up of a concrete tunnel. Runaway vehicles will go through that tunnel straight to the safe emergency stopping points. The system works majorly by slowing down the trucks and eventually stopping them, evading avoidable accidents. 

Runaway vehicles will go through that tunnel straight to the safe emergency stopping points.

According to the UDOT Project Manager, Tom Roylance, every slight opportunity to enhance road safety is highly welcomed. He added that the highway's new invention is a significant game-changer towards at least minimizing road carnages. Besides, the impact will be a sigh of relief for truckers and the residents, businesses, and tourists within the region.

The precise location of the ramp is quite strategic. It is just slightly off the busy highway. But within visible and viable distance. Therefore, it's easy to spot them by runaway truck drivers in case of any emergencies. In addition to the ramp, there are other safety measures in place. One of them is a mandatory brake check stationed just close to the top of the hill. There is also plenty of signage along the highway to inform drivers of the emergency escape route.  

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