Industry news

Safety amidst the pandemic has been a significant concern amongst most people. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) is pushing for safety at all ports of entry by enforcing the use of masks by all travelers. Drivers will be at liberty not to wear the mask while alone on the truck. However, upon alighting at the ports of entry or during inspections, the drivers must have the masks on. There have been questions asked about how drivers are treated, and therefore, there is the need to have clear safety guidelines.

Driversand travelers alike will not only have to be in masks, but there are severalrequirements they will have to meet. First of all, all masks have to cover boththe nose and mouth properly. Secondly, cloth masks must be of multiple layersand tight but comfortable enough to allow for breathing. Thirdly, masks must bewell secured behind the head by ear loops or elastic bands. Masks must befitting without any punctures, slits, or exhalation valves.

Mask required for travelers

All travelers are required to have a mask on to provide safety for all. A few people will be exempted if they fall into these categories; those who are disabled and cannot safely wear a mask. Also, another category includes those that the masks may harm. People in their private vehicles will also be excused not to wear masks in their cars but must have one on at entry ports. Truck drivers would also be allowed to remove their masks if alone in the truck but will also be required to have masks at entry ports. Failure to comply with the regulations would lead to denial of transport or other criminal or civil penalties.

The main reason behind having the stern regulations is to ensure safety amidst the pandemic. Non-essential travelers are advised not to travel, and if they must, they would be required to have results for a recent negative covid-19 test. The results would only be valid if taken within 72 hours before travel. The Canadian government stated that they would continue working with the United States to keep the country safe from the coronavirus.

CDC Pushing for Safety against Covid-19 at all Ports of Entry

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