Industry news

Cold chain 3PL RLS Logistics is a venture that is constantly growing and will only get even better. It expanded by adding a cold storage facility and even more with time. It provides storage services mostly for frozen products. They also provide transport services for the same products. The future of this kind of business is bright, and it can only get better.

They formed RLS partners in a joint effort with the outside industry veterans about a year and a half ago. RLS does not release the existing team upon ownership change. It helps with the continuity of the business after the change of ownership. The prevalence of cold chain warehouses is rising due to increased demand for the same. The competition for resources among those involved is also on the rise.

RLS is after companies with a clear vision and way of handling customers. RLS intends to keep the existing companies' leadership in place. It would be important because they understand the existing customer base. The continuity of the business is important for its productivity and growth. It also opens doors for future generations that come after them.
Once RLS acquires these companies, they have access to lots of capital and other resources. RLS will provide easy access to the facilities using an online platform. Companies would easily manage their products through the platform. After building good relationships with the people, they will support them with capital and other resources as their network grows.

The company is looking to grow through partnerships. They already have a few in several states in the U.S. Some are in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Utah. Despite RLS having faced several challenges due to Covid-19 and the loss of the CEO, they are focused on fulfilling his vision for the company. If all is done right, the future is bright for this business.

Cold Chain 3PL

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