
Commercial motor vehicle inspectors conducted 10,091 inspections on Commercial Motor Vehicle Brake Safety. As a result, the inspectors placed 1,273 vehicles out of service for brake-related deficiencies. In addition, they assessed the vehicles and reported the data to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance. The main aim of the inspection was to remove faulty vehicles on the roads. In doing so, road safety would improve.

Why the Brake Safety

Brakes rank among the most crucial systems in a commercial motor vehicle. However, most of the violations are most often related to the brakes. Most vehicles in the out "of service" had violated the brake safety regulations. Federal inspectors carry out the inspection and enforcement to identify and eliminate faulty motor vehicles.

Some areas employ the use of performance-based brake testers. It is a machine used to assess the performance of a vehicle's braking system. It was used in the inspection, putting several vehicles out of service. The motor vehicles failed to match the expected minimum performance levels.

Brake Safety Violations

This year's primary area of brake safety inspection included brake hoses/tubing. Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. reported a total of 1,725 violations related to brake hoses/tubing. Brake hoses and tubing are essential components of the brake system. Therefore, the federations are focusing on the brake hoses and tubing to minimize fatalities caused by such motor vehicles.

There are several categories of violations related to brake hoses and tubing. They range from simple war out to other serious deficiencies. The different types of violations called for different implications. They put motor vehicles with serious violations out of service. Such vehicles must be worked on before hitting the roads again.

The federations introduced the brake safety day to ensure commercial motor vehicles comply with the safety regulations. The main aim of the inspections is to reduce the number of crashes caused by faulty brake systems. Besides that, there will be education for all parties involved. From the drivers, mechanics to owner-operators, and other people involved.

Commercial Motor Vehicle Brake Safety
Commercial Motor Vehicle Brake Safety

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