
We are happy to announce that as of 1st September CW Carriers USA is a certified WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESS!

We value all our team members, but today we want to focus on one part of it. That part that makes about half of our team. And they are all great individually, but together they are extraordinary! Yes, we are talking about women. 

They may differ in position, knowledge, and skills, but all of them are dedicated to their contribution to the entire team. In our company there are no gender-related privileges or sanctions, all members are treated equally. Unfortunately, this is still not a practice everywhere.

Even in the 21st-century women aren't in equal position as men, especially in male-dominated industries like the transportation industry. But that didn’t stop our CEO Ljiljana Trkulja on the contrary, it only motivated her, even more, to create a big picture, big goals, set high standards, and find ways to make it all happen. 

This post is meant to encourage every little girl, teenager, friend, sister, and greatest of all – a mother who may doubt whether she can do it all, the answer is YES! You just must believe in yourself and never give up on your dream! 

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.” Kofi Annan

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