
There are many ways of putting together the technology at hand coming in handy with
technological growth. Companies that deal in technical products are in the race of
implementation of mounting cameras on the dashboard as a part of Electronic Logging Devises
implementation. Silicon Valley firms are in dire need to have secure trucking at the same time
minimize any negatives to the industry.

The technology involving technology wouldn’t be the best option about the right of being left
alone for the drivers. According to a trucking official, the cameras once mounted, may help
acquit the drivers in cases where they may encounter trouble, for instance, collisions or other
accidents, then they will quickly adapt and accept the technology.

John Haverstick, safety manager at Miller Freight Inc., reiterated that the equipment's sole role is
to safeguard the trucking company. He added that his drivers do not have an issue with the same
since it's only in use whenever they are on duty. Millers apply the KeepTruckin dash cam
technology. KeepTruckin and Samsara were among other companies that made official contact
about their products to both drivers and managers.

Gabby Deocares, from Samsara, claimed that initially, the drivers were reluctant but after seeing
the importance of the equipment, especially incidents involving accidents, they started absorbing
the technology. She stated that the shift can be likened to cultural changes; changes are inevitable
but are not welcomed not until they are justified.

The essence of the dash cams is to be interactive and informative to the drivers while on the
road. They record not only the truck and road but are also so heavily involved in notifying
drivers in their endeavors such as when they don't keep distance from vehicles ahead, in case the driver is drowsy or whenever drivers are involved in misconduct like texting while driving. Gabby said that in cases where there is trouble with the braking system, the driver would be
notified over the same. With the dash cam and the ELD, management will trace drivers’
activities more effectively.

Will Van Eaton of KeepTruckin, stated that their smart dash camera has grown from just being a
tool of recording to becoming a necessity for training drivers on how to avoid some of the
trouble that the drivers encounter while on the road. He added that critical incidents have reduced
by 50% in the quartet that the equipment has been in use.

Deocares said that the dash cam is integrated with GPS to enable the trucking company to locate
the truck smoothly and also estimate the expected arrival times more effectively. Computer
vision is also incorporated to read speed limits and detect anomalies like drivers failing to
concentrate and driving close to vehicles ahead.

The technology has been subject to regular advancements to improve it. For instance, the
addition of video recall was added to KeepTruckin that can help enhance driver training.
Haverstick claimed that he is happy with what has been achieved so far, but he is open to see to
it that there are more angles of view added especially down each side of the trailer.

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