
upon the actions they had already put in place to have the trucking industry support the nation through Elaine Chao, the Transportation secretary, stated in an interview that her agency is ready to build the coronavirus pandemic crisis. She reiterated how confident she was that the government would help improve infrastructure, probably by the use of the $2.2 trillion relief package set aside. She acknowledged drivers for sticking on the roads to serve the rest by ensuring all supplies are available in stores. 

Chao listed some of the steps the agency already had in place inclusive of temporary reliefs in terms of hour-of- service regulations issued by FMCSA, some temporal enforcement discretion by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for drivers delivering hazardous materials, and hand sanitizers. Hazmat drivers were offered a reprieve from taking there refresher courses that are always due in three years. FMCSA also came up with a plan to cater for commercial driver licenses and learners' permit medical certifications that had expired. She appreciated FMCSA’s interim chief, Jim Mullen, for working with states to see to it that rest areas remain open for the safety of the truckers. She stated that there had been talks with the state of Pennsylvania to have rest places reopened.

Chao said that another avenue of support that will be offered by DOT would come from the $2.2 trillion stimulus package, which was ascended by President Donald Trump, relief and Economic Security Act, with the aim of supporting business inclusive of trucking fleets. The financial support is meant to offer the business a soft landing after the coronavirus pandemic. She also added that the Treasury Department would avail loans to support larger commercial motor carriers that may see it fit to seek assistance.

Chao noted that the measures put in place by DOT in addition to what the CARES Act will provide would help improve infrastructure, with the possibility of a new highway bill forged towards rebuilding roads and bridges. She acknowledged the fact that she gets information from drivers all the time, over the situation with the infrastructure on the ground, and the administration is acting on the same. Chao stated that in January, they availed funds that are all directed towards developing infrastructure. She added that the highway bill is in the process of clearance, and all the stakeholders are being involved in getting the best out of it.  

Chao concluded that they would have to see how the CARES Act unveils, with the $2.2 trillion in play. She claimed that the Transportation Department has the mandate to issue transit grants. She also issued her word on working with the White House Covid-19 task force to curb the coronavirus spread as the essential services continue being rendered despite the situation. She finished by appreciating the trucking industry and the drivers for working to ensure deliveries are made through the tough times. She thanked the drivers' families, saying that they were in their thoughts. 

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