
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will provide emergency relief amidst the cyberattack against Colonial Pipeline. The relief mainly targets the hours-of-service regulations for motor carriers and drivers hauling gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other refined petroleum products. FMCSA issued the directive stating that it would last till June 8th. Or rather until officials declare the end of the emergency.

In addition, the regions whose operations were affected include Alabama, Arkansas, Washington, D.C., Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. The motor carriers will be waived in just but some trucking regulations. Including, hours of service, parts and accessories required for safe operation, and longer combination vehicles.

FMCSA categorically stated that it would only exempt motor carriers directly involved in assisting the transportation of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other refined petroleum products. The emergency relief does not exempt truckers from drug and alcohol regulations, commercial driver's license requirements, or size and weight requirements.

The Colonial Pipeline supplies fuel to most of the Northeast. The cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline led to a devastating disruption of fuel supply on the East Coast. The attack involved ransomware which entails the denial of access to the system in exchange for some financial gain by the perpetrator. A report stated that normal operations would only resume when Colonial Pipeline sees it safe for the system to be back online.

GasBuddy issued a warning that panic purchase and holding onto gasoline would only make the situation worse. It would lead to an increase in prices, and the shortage would be worse. GasBuddy reiterated that the pipeline services would be unavailable for quite some time but urged motorists not to panic and deny others equal access to the limited resource, fuel.

Emergency Relief amidst the cyberattack against Colonial Pipeline

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