
Safety on the roads is a very paramount aspect that can't be overlooked. Driver-focused enforcement is scheduled to be carried out between July 11th and 17th to enhance safety. During the period, drivers are expected to drive while observing the different traffic rules in place to the latter.

Law enforcement officers throughout the entire country will inspect both commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers that would be engaging in risky behaviors. The drivers' activities will be monitored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance enforcement officers, whether in or around the vehicles.

The current year's area of focus is speeding while on the roads

The current year's area of focus is speeding while on the roads. Alongside monitoring speeding motorists, the enforcement officers will be on the lookout to combat other offenders. Some of the other offenses include; driving recklessly, vehicles not keeping the stipulated distances from each other, and changing lanes improperly. Others are disobedience of the traffic control devices put in place, driving with a loosened seat belt, and driving while under the influence of any drugs, substance, or alcohol.

The main reason why the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance chose speed as the item of interest for the current year is that despite reduced traffics on the roads due to the pandemic, and most accidents resulted from overspeeding vehicles. Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) President Sgt. John Samis reiterated that reports depicted that traffic stops and interactions with the officers immensely help reduce problematic driving behaviors.

Reports from the previous year's Operation Safe Driver Week, based on speed violations, indicated that a total of 10,736 warnings and citations were issued to commercial vehicle drivers. There were a total of 4,659 cautions and 6,077 tickets. The most common summons issued to the drivers during that period included; 2,339 related to speed violations under different circumstances, 1,003 related to failure to fasten safety belts, 617 cases of disobeying traffic control devices 269 cases of use of phones while driving, and 122 related to lane changing.

Safety on the roads is always a priority for any authorities. It must be firmly enforced for the safety of all road users. In addition to speed, CVSA's Brake Safety Week is also in the pipeline and will be implemented from August 22nd to 28th, 2021. Drivers are expected to be ready for the same by having their vehicles well maintained to keep the roads safe.

Enforcement on Safe Driving Just Weeks Away

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