
FedEx Corp. announced its ambition to Achieve Carbon-Neutral Operations by 2040. More than $2 billion has been set aside by FedEx to help the course. The main goal for the move by FedEx is to spearhead the fight against all possible sources of hazardous emissions. The main areas that FedEx will work on are vehicle electrification, sustainable energy, and carbon sequestration.

Frederick W. Smith, Chairman, and CEO, FedEx Corp., recognizes that it's their responsibility to address climate challenges to attain sustainability. He says that they are also focusing on innovating solutions that would transform FedEx and the industry at large. The steps to be taken include vehicle electrification, whereby in 2040, all FedEx parcel pickup and the delivery fleet are to be electric.

Working on having both: sustainable customer solutions and fuels

FedEx will work on having both sustainable customer solutions and fuels. While working on achieving a sustainable supply chain, FedEx will use alternative fuels to reduce emissions. FedEx will also target conserving fuel used by their aircraft through the FedEx Fuel Sense and Aircraft Modernization programs. FedEx will invest in sustainable facilities through the use of renewable energy and other energy management programs.

There are no ready-made solutions to achieve such sustainability in a short period. To help the course, FedEx pledged to invest over $100 million in the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture. Therefore, the partnership with Yale University will speed up the research tailored towards strategies to capture excess carbon.

The Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture will help FedEx deal with global sources of emission. The plan is to publish and share the research findings to educate. The research findings will be published and shared to educate businesses, industries, and governments on adopting such carbon capture methods. Dr. Ingrid C. "Indy" Burke, the Carl W. Knobloch, Jr. Dean of the Yale School of the Environment, reiterated that the project would offer strategies that would help curb carbon emissions globally.

Through  the years FedEx took many sustainable practices. And those practices have helped reduce carbon IV oxide emissions by 40% since 2009. During the same period, FedEx’s package volumes rose by 99%. Mitch Jackson, Chief Sustainability Officer, FedEx Corp., acknowledged the company's effort and even demanded more. He added that the fight to reduce carbon emissions now would heavily contribute towards the planet’s health and create an amble environment for the industry.

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