Industry news

FMCSA has extended the HOS relief period again. Relief has been extended until the end of August this year. Covid-19 almost stopped everything when it hit. A few years down the line, the economy has not fully recovered yet. During all this time, the truckers have been at the center. At first, some rules did not allow them to run their activities freely. Therefore, FMCSA created new regulations to relieve the essential service providers from the same. Therefore, FMCSA has extended the relief period to accommodate essential service providers.

According to FMCSA, the relief will still only serve shipping of just specific supplies. The initial relief was to expire, and therefore there was a need for an extension. The truckers are very important to the supply chain returning to its normal state. Not all goods cut this special treatment. The products must be in direct support of covid-19 relief efforts.

The goods under this relief include livestock and livestock feeds. Medical products used in the testing and treatment of Covid-19 are also covered. This includes those who are moving vaccines and other medical equipment. Supplies used to enhance community safety are also capped as essential. Food, grocery, and fuel products are also under this emergency relief.

The HOS relief also comes with some rules. Once a driver complains and requests rest, the company cannot force them to work. The employer would allow such drivers ten hours of rest before they resume work. The HOS relief is for those willing to take part. Each volunteer must report to FMCSA within five days at the end of each month. They will report through the FMCSA portal.

The relief does not mean that truckers will have too much freedom. The relief has limits since it mostly covers the HOS. They must fulfill other requirements, including alcohol and a license. They must also follow all other rules around safety and vehicle limitations. The truckers are very important, and the FMCSA is there to make their work easier. The waiver around house-of-service and other exemptions provides a favorable work environment for them.

HOS Relief Extended
HOS Relief Extended

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