
Flexibility for drivers in the trucking industry is a very significant issue that can never be overlooked. To enhance safety and flexibility, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations put in place some changes regarding to the hours of service about a month ago. The changes offer adequate rest to truck drivers. The drivers must follow the new regulations to the latter.

new rules governing the hours of service

Ittook three administrators to enforce the changes officially. It all startedwith Ray Martinez, followed by Jim Mullen, and finally taken into effect underWiley Deck. The new rules governing the hours of service give a stern frameworkof how the drivers work. The changes include but are not limited to a mandatory30-minute break while on duty. Within the eight hours on duty, commercial truckdrivers must take a compulsory 30-minute break.

10-hour off-duty period for commercial drivers

Commercialdrivers must use the 10-hour off-duty period. The period includes two segmentsof not less than two hours of the mandatory sleeper-berth break. Initially, theperiod would be segmented into windows of eight and two hours. The currentrules allow for two sessions of seven and three hours. The break period mustamount to 10 hours in total.

All rules always have exceptions. Drivers many times come across challenges such as heavy traffic and adverse weather while in transit. In such cases, drivers can extend by at most two extra hours in transit in addition to the stipulated eleven hours. The changes also affect the short-haul drivers. They can stay in transit for some more miles, up to 150 air miles. Drivers have at most between 12-14 hours of operation.

Allthe changes made were necessary to give flexibility to drivers in terms ofhours of service. The same make sure that truckers are well rested to worksafely on the roads. All drivers are to comply as they assess the effects ofthe changes.

Hours of Service
source: https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/hours-service/summary-hours-service-regulations

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