
Hypertruck Electric Range Extender (the Class 8 long-range that belongs to Hylliion Inc.) is a clear indicator that this is a transition moment in the alternative powertrains being offered. According to the experts, the powertrain (charged by an even small natural gas engine) is meant to play a significant role in zero-emission transportation. Mike Roeth, executive director of the North American Council, reiterated that they are within a period where viable options are many with more facts on the table. The same is meant to project even further between 2030 and 2040. Roeth added that with a majority of the requirements already available, there is little required, and therefore production by 2020 is a possibility.

Daniel Gage, president of NVGAmerica, stated that with renewable natural gas in play, there is an excellent possibility of having carbon-less vehicles on the road. He claimed that if the technology proves viable through real-life tests, it will be a game-changer. Thomas Healy, the CEO and founder Hyliion, stated that he had, for so long, been an onlooker until June when they unveiled the fully electric Class 8 powertrain, supported by readily available range of refueling stations. Hyliion offers a better deal compared to Tesla and Nikola.Hyliion’s merger with Tortoise Acquisition Corp. is expected to be done by the end of the third quarter, forming the Hyliion Holdings Corp.

Healy stated that demand for their hybrid-electric axle has grown, so it has a partnership with Dana Inc. Healy confirmed that the reason the announcement wasn't made earlier was that it needed to be ready with all necessary resources before coming out with the information. Agility is said to be one of the companies that have made pre-orders of the ERX powertrain that comes with a reduced size natural gas-fueled engine with a generator for recharging the batteries. He acknowledged that they will not be manufactured from scratch, but will partner with other manufacturing companies to supply the powertrain engines. 

The powertrain is a cost-saving engine since it produces electricity at a lesser cost than the average rates. The advantage of the powertrain is that it will be able to operate in areas that are full for zero-emission. It also has machine learning algorithms integrated that enhance efficiency and optimal operation for both established and young industries, and the environment at large at a lower cost. Gage stated that the rate of usage of RNG has increased compared to 2018. 

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