
The US Department of Treasury announced funding YRC Worldwide Inc. with a $700 million loan in exchange for a 29.6% share of the company. The credit was offered under the CARES Act. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin reiterated that the loan provided in line with the CARES act, to help the company to remain liquid and maintain the employees. The $700 million is poised to be supplied as two loans of $350 million, at an interest of 3.5%. CEO Darren Hawkins stated that the loan would be an injection that will massively boost the company's recovery plan, and maintain the supply chain, especially in support of the Departments of Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, and Customs and Border Protection. 

Part of the loan is meant to settle deferred payments for the employees' health, welfare, and pension plans. Another portion of the money is intended to replenish the fleet owned by YRC. The loan has some arrangement to ensure employment is maintained at certain levels and amounts issued as appreciation for executives to be regulated, including the purchase of shares. The company experienced a dip in terms of performance from January due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The same has led the company to scale down on expenses in various sectors. Hawkins is hopeful that the loan will enable them to serve the quarantined community as they also project towards achieving the company's objectives.

Compared to the previous year, the company's position is not the best since there have been losses incurred. YRC has undergone evolution for several years, being granted some compromise on salary payment at the expense of allowing Teamsters to have more say in the company's leadership. YRC has also had to dispose of some divisions to raise more cash to remain as liquid as possible. However, the debt amount has reduced by $4.6 million in comparison to the same period last year. 

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