
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report that showed an increase in employment in the warehouses and courier drivers' sections. The report had records from August; on several parts of the industry. Warehouses and courier drivers accounted for a large part of the jobs gained in August of the jobs reported in the U.S.

The Employment Status

As reported by Freight Waves, the increase in warehouse and storage jobs was the highest since the end of 2020. They had lost very many jobs in April 2020 due to the pandemic. At that time, recovery was still in progress, though quite slowly. However, with the challenges, there still is evidence of recovery in these sectors.

The warehouses reported more jobs gained in August compared to July. In the recent past, the sector had posed a negative trend, with slight job declines. The couriers and messengers category realized an increase of 20,000 jobs. The increase was the highest since way back in January 2019.

On the other hand, Uber reported challenges with the hiring of drivers. However, the CEO said that they had put plans to deal with the driver shortage in place. There is a positive trend in the courier sector. It is an indicator that the industry is already preparing for the busy Christmas online shopping season.

According to the report, the trucking industry gained 5,400 jobs. This was still way below the numbers before the pandemic hit back in March 2020. However, despite the positive trend, the figures do not match the demand that they handle. Even if the numbers were promising in the trucking industry as a whole, over-the-road trucking has not recovered that well.

The pandemic affected most industries in different ways. With time, various sections of the industry have been slowly recovering from the effects of the same. Mostly, many people lost their jobs as some companies closed, or some had to scale down. There has been a positive trend in the recent past with jobs being created here and there, especially at the warehouses and the courier drivers.

Increased Hiring at Warehouses and for Courier Drivers

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