
An announcement made by Pilot Company stated that CEO Jimmy Haslam would be replaced by Shameek Konar, the incumbent Chief Strategy Officer. At the same time, Haslam would become the board chairman as James Haslam, the company founder, heads into retirement. Konar is the first CEO who isn't a member of the family since it was founded, growing from a single gas station to employing as many as 28,000 people and opening up 950 locations. According to Haslam, the early announcing of the transmission is meant to give room for a smooth change in leadership, especially after having served for 25 years.

Haslam pointed out that Konar’s responsibilities had increased earlier in the year as he took charge of both the company’s fuel operations and running Pilot Energy.  Haslam reiterated that Konar's expertise and appreciation of the company’s culture were the basis of his selection, and he added that he pledged to support the Konar in all possible ways entirely. Konar heaped praise on the company's mode of operation, citing that his reason for joining the company back in 2017 was the company’s culture. Konar reiterated that he would be focused on ensuring that the company serves the trucking industry's needs and equally serves the guests while having an open mind to cope with the technological advancements at hand.  He stated that they would also be open to seizing whichever opportunities of expansion that may pop up as he runs the company. 

Konar acknowledged that the company has grown over the past years, becoming one of the largest fuel countrywide wholesalers. Konar id expected to take up even more responsibility as he assumes office, inclusive of; management of technology, HR, finance, and legal. Real estate and store operations and development teams are expected to continue being under the oversight of Jimmy Haslam and President Ken Parent, respectively. However, reports indicate that the roles will be added to Konar as he takes up the CEO's mantle.

Konar did not fail to acknowledge the effects the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the businesses. He stated that throughout their operations, they have all their employees exposed as they interact with customers, running lots of transactions. Yet, they must serve the nation since their services are essential to keep the economy running while keeping Americans safe. Haslam also pointed out the same appreciating the job the employees have done so far.

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