Industry news

July trailer orders hit high numbers compared to a year earlier. However, the same was lower compared to earlier months of the year. The report is according to ACT's research. The research also indicates that 2023 orders are being slotted in. There have been many challenges over the past few years. Nevertheless, the industry has been able to slowly power through the same over the same period.

Trailer Orders in Numbers

According to Transport Topics, net orders were 16,997 this year in July. They stood at 8,128 in the previous year's same period. The supply chain was at its worst during that period. Despite the high figures, the July orders were the second lowest this year. The orders for August are to be even higher. The same is because most have opened or are about to open the 2023 order boards.

Stoughton Trailers started putting Q1 orders on the order board in August. Therefore the same will appear on the August log. The same will lead to an increased tally for August. Great Dane will open the 2023 order board in the next two weeks. Utility Trailer is also making plans for the coming year. Not all trailer makers have begun their plans for the next year. However, most, if not all, have plans for those trailer orders.

Current State of Orders

The existing customers dictate the current state of orders. Those that depend on spot rate trucking might be in trouble in the future. The truck orders were high but not as high as before the fall. Stoughton's Giesen has several requests from both existing and new customers. Fulfilling all their needs has been quite a challenge.

Companies that had gone under the radar have resurfaced. Canceled trailer orders have gone even lower. There are more orders than the capacity at hand at the moment. Companies are working hard to meet their customers' needs despite the challenges. Demand has always been there despite the level of supply. Therefore, the manufacturers have the duty to deal with the truck orders.

The supply chain has been an issue for a while now. It will remain so for quite some while before it calms down. Material costs and labor unavailability are also a problem. Nevertheless, dealers are working hard to deliver on truck orders despite these challenges. The moment demand and supply are in sync; the market will improve.

July Trailer Orders

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