
The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed changes that are meant to streamline the permitting authority with respect to regulation of activities performed at motor freight transportation facilities and other industrial sectors that are many are times prone to the effect of surface runoffs that result from heavy rains. The proposed changes are subject to comments from the public till 1stof May. The changes are as a result of an agreement with National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s National Research Council, and some other relevant stakeholders.

EPA operates its programs in several states, though California possess their own permit requirements that are also based on the EPA requirement model. All companies that carry out vehicle maintenance, repairs, equipment cleaning, deicing, fueling, and washing, especially outdoors, are require to have the stormwater permits, according to Glen Kedzie, the energy and environmental affairs counsel for American Trucking Associations. The amendments mean that a quarterly survey will be carried out on all affected sectors. 

According to EPA, the draft will be free of any barriers related to language, to make it clearer and easy to read. The permit holder will be required to have it easily accessible areas.Areas often affected by stormwater discharge will be expected to be keener on handling the matter.The essence of the comments is to ensure that EPA gets to receive alternative methods of approaching the menace, for a more effective solution. 

California Trucking Association issued a warning over the fact that most of California motor carriers have been targeted by lawsuits and administrative penalties. He said that both you family companies and even bigger companies have fallen victim of the authorities, and are expected to be as compliant as required of them. As a move to enforce the same, Senate Bill 205 in California ensures that one has the permit before renewal of their business license. Failure to have the permit, companies will be fined and face lawsuits. 

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