
California Truck Centers upgraded its services with a new Central Coast Truck Center dealership. It used to be just a 40,000 sq. ft. store in Santa Maria. The upgrade would help meet the rising demand in California's Central Coast. It also creates job opportunities for people that live around the area.

Importance of the Dealership

The dealership came just about at the right time. The levels of demand on California's Central Coast have grown in the recent past. Therefore, to deal with the demand, it provides more opportunities to the business around the region. It provides the local business with the platform to grow their fleets and their customers' services.

The dealership means a lot to people seeking employment within the region. Many openings came with the upgrade. Positions such as; admins, salespeople, amongst many others, need people to fill them. By creating jobs, it proves to be very important for society at large. By doing so, the upgrade is essential to both businesses and job seekers.

The new store is located near big fruit and vegetable packing houses. They are popularly known as 'coolers.' The company stated that the store is easily accessible. The easy access allows truckers an easy time whenever they need some services. It serves drivers that require any services or repairs with 14 service bays and lots of OEM parts if need be.

The expansion means that there would be more career opportunities for the Central Coast. The number of employees was very small. There were barely 20 staff members before the upgrade. The company would be able to create over fifty new job openings because of the dealership. The most in-demand positions are mainly technicians.

The upgrade comes with many benefits for the employees. Some of the benefits are medical cover, good salaries, amongst many others. They also have in-house training, which means access to certification would be made even easier. The new dealership is crucial to the locals. It brings the services closer to the people. It comes with a lot of opportunities for the people within the region.

New Central Coast Truck Center Dealership

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