Industry news

New federal fines are in place in the trucking industry. An article by Trucknews.com said that there are 60 new federal fines. The fines are around Hours of Service. The wrongdoings listed are quite a number. Some of them relate to the use of ELDs. The fines differ depending on the kind of offense. 

The fines 

The fines are divided into three tiers. The tiers cover different offenses whose fines vary. The fines for drivers range from $300 to $1,000, and those for motor carriers, for example, range from $600 to $2,000. The lowest tier includes small offenses, which could be minor record-related issues. The second tier covers more serious crimes. It covers offenses that increase risks and any offenses that mean that the truckers are uncompliant. 

The third tier covers severe offenses. These offenses include providing false reports. They also include any attempts to obstruct the sharing of correct records. There are several ways to punish these offenses. It doesn't always have to be court. They will be issued with tickets. There will also be voluntary payments of prescribed fines.  

High Fines 

Transport Canada wanted to enforce $300, $500, and $1,000 fines over the three tiers. Some people wanted the penalties to be even higher. They also wanted stiffer fines for the carriers than the drivers. Fatigue amongst drivers has been a menace for a while now. It is internationally recognized to be a problem that needs addressing. Over the years, it has been one of the significant causes of road accidents.  

The fines might seem harsh. However, the intention is very positive. Many offenses revolve around hours of service that have been committed on the roads. The offenses seem small, but they have big impacts in the long run. The impacts are majorly around road safety. Therefore, implementing the new fines will streamline the industry. Truckers and drivers will be held responsible for their activities while at work. In so doing, road safety will be well taken care of.

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