
The Florida Department of Transportation announced that the Pensacola Bay Bridge was finally reopened and access granted to traffic. The bridge had been closed for over eight months after being hit by runaway barges in 2020 during a hurricane. Initially, the bridge was to be reopened in March, but some repairs had to be done hence the delay.

The news released by FDOT indicated that not the entire bridge was open. Traffic can access four lanes, two in each direction. A half-mile section of two lanes remains closed to allow for the finalization of the repairs. The speed limit is 35mph, and emergency refuge sites are available on the bridge for safety purposes.

FDOT stated that Road Ranger Service Patrol officers would be situated at each end of the Pensacola Bay Bridge from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. during weekdays. The officers will be available from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends. The essence of the officers is clearing the bridge in case of a crash and helping drivers during breakdowns. During the other hours of the day, the patrol officers would be just a call away.

FDOT announced back in February of their plans to reopen the bridge in March phase-wisely. Inevitably, the plans had to be put on hold due to the pending repairs. FDOT is closely monitoring the contractors to ensure that the bridge is done and opened by January 2022. Momentarily, the detours, Garcon Point Bridge and State Road 87, are no longer required though the tolls on their usage will remain suspended till June 6th.

Pensacola Bay Bridge Finally Reopened

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