
According to Don Lefeve, President of the Commercial Vehicle Testing Association, the
proposal by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Admiration to see to it that the flexibility around
Commercial Driver License skills is increased is a move that provides lots of recognition for
third-party testing groups. The proposal is aimed at scrapping off some current rules, for
instance, the law that prohibits a CDL skills instructor authorized by the state to perform both the
instruction and the test for the same applicant and additionally allowing third-party trainers with
the necessary qualifications to do skills tests for the applicant.

Most states are known to allow third-party groups to offer CDL tests. However, reports show
that ten states and Washington D.C do not allow the same at all. The proposal by FMCSA chips
in defending third-party groups stating that they are a safe alternative to offer training and testing
according to Lefeve. He seconded his statement by saying that all the examiners inclusive of the
third-party group undergo the same training and are assessed for compliance.

Lefeve reiterated that the states would not necessarily start using third-party groups, but the
move is meant to see it that they all acknowledge the fact that third-party groups are also a safe
and viable alternative for CDL skills testing. The proposal includes changes to ensure that testing
delays are minimized and at the same time, get rid of expenses incurred by the CDL applicants,
reducing the significant losses that are as a result of the delays.

Lefeve noted that it’s a necessary move to have the drivers tested soon after their training. He
added that there are a lot of skills and other pieces of information acquired during training and
the same help the applicants pass the test. He also argued out that delaying the trainees’ tests will mean that they have to be retrained before the tests again. The CDL skills test is very crucial to the lives of the people seeking CDL.

The proposal will have to be commented on for 60 days by the public after being published in the
Federal Register. Lefeve acknowledged the fact that the proposal is quite positive though he
fears as to whether states will react to it at all. After the rule is done and dusted, it will still be up
to the states to decide whether to use third-party groups for training and testing or not. The move
is aimed at abolishing the fact that you can’t test your trainees.

The proposal is just but the latest move to create some change in terms of regulations. Initially,
in March, FMCSA presented a rule to see to it that the cost of upgrading from Class B CDL to
Class A CDL is reduced to save the drivers $18 million annually. The FMCSA administrator
claimed that they intend to offer flexibility and maintain safety on the roads at the same time. He
requested those interested in having a look at the proposal.

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