Industry news

Road safety and gas price issues affect most people daily. Most Americans have suffered because of the same. The House has prepared initiatives that would help deal with these issues. There is funding set aside to curb road safety problems. The DOT unveiled a safety grant program totaling a billion US dollars. The grant will cover the current fiscal year.

Road Safety

According to Transport Topics, the grant funding will ensure that roads and streets are safe for the entire nation. The main aim is to reduce the number of crashes on the roads. Pete Buttigieg said that the road fatalities and injuries are a national crisis. However, he added that these issues could be prevented. He said the funds would help communities protect all the Americans on the roads.

Statistics showed 31,720 lives were lost on the roads between January and September 2021. Stephanie Pollack noted that these deaths and injuries affect people from all walks of life. They also affect people of different ages. Therefore, it is a big issue that America must address as soon as possible. She noted that the funding would provide resources to help make the roads safe.

Fuel Prices

House Democratic leaders have a plan to tackle the worrying fuel prices. The prices have recently hit record highs. The price affects both consumers and the industries. The House will debate the bill as we head into the busy summer driving season. The aim is to have the Federal Trade Commission look into the pricing issues. The FTC is to determine if the energy companies are setting exploitative prices. 

Nancy Pelosi noted that they would like to know how the energy companies are making big profits at the expense of the consumers. The republicans, on the other hand, are planning to challenge the same. Garret Graves said that they are paying highly for gasoline. He complained that instead of the administration helping the Americans, they are making policies to benefit other nations. 

Whichever way the debates go, Americans have had some tough times in the recent past. They need a break, and this would only come through coming up with policies that will protect their interest. These policies can be in terms of controlling fuel prices. The same can be done through grants to make roads safer nationally for all users. 

Safety and Gas Price Issues

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