
SAP, an Enterprise Software firm and UBER, load matching app developer have made a move to
join efforts integrating their shipper and carrier networks to see to it that they improve the supply
chain's efficiency.

The integration of Uber Freight into the SAP Logistics Business Network means that the
shippers will now have access to the freight rates and capacity from Uber’s carrier base
according to the technology firms through an announcement on 29 th of April. Hala Zeine, the
President SAP Digital Supply Chain, claimed that the process of finding and booking is quite
hectic due to the complexity and the cost of accessing the same. The integration offers an
automated method that provides for better customer experience at a substantially lower price.

According to SAP and Uber, the partnership will see to it that there is a platform that allows
shippers and carriers to make well-informed decisions based on the real-time prices; leading to a
shift from spending much time searching for quotes and capacity and rather spend as much time
ferrying the goods to the market.

Uber Freight allows the shippers a platform to access their services; the partnership with SAP
gives them a better way to harness more from Uber, especially their carrier network. The Uber
mobile app only serves small fleets and independent drivers.

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