
Sensorswere installed on Interstate 90 to help detect trucks that require inspection.The sensors are located on the roadways near the South Dakota Port of Entry. Theyare used to identify problems with trucks. Only such trucks are then pulledover for inspections. With such systems in place, chances for accidents andincidents on the road are highly minimized.

How the Sensors Operate

DaveHuft stated that the sensors detect inflation levels of the tires. Beforereaching the weigh station, the trucks go through other checks. The checks includevehicle registration, fuel taxation, and safety score statuses. During thatperiod of checking, a decision is made there and then on whether to pull overthe truck for inspection or not.

Thesensors start by scanning the bottom of the trucks. Once done, furtherinstructions are issued to the truckers through in-truck transponders ormessages broadcast to signs situated along the roadway. Other sensors at the Portof Entry scan the brakes and wheels' temperatures. If the reported temperaturesare too high or too low, the brakes or tires are not in good condition.

Importance of the Sensors

Accordingto statistics, an average of 40% of the trucks driving through the state’sports remains on the highway. Operating on the highway saves a lot of time andmoney meant for the inspection. The sensors help detect problems that thetrucks may possess. In doing so, the authorities minimize accidents that mayresult from such faulty trucks. For instance, worn-out tires can be singled outand be repaired before they could come off and cause accidents on the roadwhile the truck is in transit.

In South Dakota, the sensors are installed at weigh stations in Valley Springs, Jefferson, Sisseton, and Tilford. There are several other places with the same technology. Appreciation and implementation of such technology are so critical. It saves a lot of both the truckers' and inspection officers' time and money. At the same time, if problems are detected earlier, some avoidable accidents and incidents on the road are avoided.

Sensors Installed to Detect Trucks that Require Inspection
Sensors installed to detect trucks that require inspection

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