
The coronavirus pandemic adversely affected different sectors of the economy, thus pushing some carriers to send drivers on leave of absence. In contrast, other carriers quickly recruited them to have more experience on their side. Some carriers didn’t send them packing, but they relaxed on the matter of hiring. The director of recruiting at U.S Express, Kendra Patton, reiterated that they saw an opportunity to add experience and therefore held their ground and kept recruiting. According to Deen Albert, Grand Island Express didn't lay off staff and kept recruiting through the tough times. Jeremy Reymer, CEO of DriverReach, stated that the situation was a repeat of the 2008-2009 recession that most drivers lost their jobs. 

Jeff Jackson of Penske Logistics stated that though they had lay staff in some sectors, they also recruited more in sectors with more demand.  Steve Martin stated that Ryder Supply Chain Solutions also had to release some of its staff. Tim Chrulski of Garner Trucking said that they neither laid off nor dived into hiring. Later through May, there was a slight increment in hiring and training resumed. Max Farrell, CEO of WorkHound, claimed that companies are going for drivers who can work around their cultures. 

Scopelitis Transportation Consulting CEO, Dave Osieck, stated that turnover rates have gone low. The increase in driver retention is a result of many uncertainties in the job market, so drivers would rather stick where there are. U.S. Xpress and Penske Logistics experienced a reduced turnover rate thanks to the lots of uncertainties and increased sanitation hence at least assuring of the drivers’ safety. 

Osiecki said that hiring experienced drivers eliminates the hustle of training and assures safety. Albert stated that it is easier to gauge and know the position of experienced drivers in all aspects required. Covid-19 has also made hiring processes change, and technology is highly embraced to reduce physical contact. Some are doing virtual training and orientations. 

Chrulski acknowledged that despite the challenges resulting from covid-19, pick-up, and delivery has become easier since there is lesser contact. Paperwork has been more reduced, touchpoints reduced, all these have helped increased business performance in terms of time. Martin stated that despite some areas having an easy time recruiting, some regions still have it tough, including Northeast and California. 

On the positive, Jackson claimed that the freight market slowly seems to be bouncing back; this will open up doors to more recruitments.  Jackson reiterated how drivers had been the heroes throughout the tough time, and therefore the trucking industry will be looked at in a more positive manner going forward. 

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