Industry news

Stronger pollution limits might just be the only way to safety. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it proposes more strict rules. The new truck models from 2027 will face tougher restrictions. The rules affect heavy-duty diesel and gasoline trucks. The emissions should be at least 60% lower in about twenty years. The main aim of the same is the safety of both people and the environment. 

EPA will raise the bar for rules in sectors where the electrification rate is high. The 2030 models of heavy-duty trucks will also face tough controls. The long-term mission is to attain zero-emission levels in the future. Reducing nitrogen oxide is just the first step in the big war against emissions. The main goal is to achieve safety as far as public health is concerned.

EPA is setting quite high but feasible standards for truckers. They have thought the plan through financially as the truckers are at the center of the economy. ATA will support EPA's move, and at the same time, protect its members. Manufacturers are also supportive of the plan to go green. The manufacturers hope that the new standards will see more fleets go for the new trucks that are well equipped with modern technology. The new technology reduces NOx and other waste emissions. 

Other unions in the U.S. also support EPA's strict controls. They feel like it's in the best interest of public health. From now on, truckers would have to turn to electric vehicles. The control measures will only become more challenging for diesel users. The diesel trucks are just as expensive; therefore, truckers have to go for the alternatives. Zero-emission trucks are the way to go for the environment and for compliance. 

Despite the new developments, some places will still see diesel trucks dominate. As the diesel technology is improved, it will come closer to meeting the required standards. The main reason for these changes is to protect the climate. Once the environment is taken care of, the primary beneficiaries are the people. Public health is essential despite its cost.

Stronger Pollution Limits

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