
With the unprecedented wave of the Covid-19 epidemic hitting the entire world, most companies worldwide had to acclimatize to the new normal to carry on with successful truck driver training programs amidst the pandemic. Brad Ball, president of Roadmaster Drivers School, reiterated the changes they have had to ensure safety on campus, including improved cleaning activities, issuance of protective gear for students, and enforcing the wearing of masks on the campus premises. Roadmaster has had to reduce the number of students attending classes to necessitate social distancing on campus and do away with weekend classes. Public signs have also been put up to continually remind all on the premise of the coronavirus's effects.

Accordingto the driver recruiting manager, Travis Bacon, Prime Inc. came up with aquestionnaire that was used to assess anyone that was to be admitted to avoidanyone vulnerable from being recruited. Prime Inc. went further to spread theirtraining sessions across the week to ensure only the required students'required numbers are in session. In addition to that, they have also venturedinto virtual orientation.

Tough times for driver recruitments

WayneCederholm, vice president of driver recruiting and schools at C.R. England,stated that the current times had been the toughest he has had to encounter asfar as driver recruitments and training are concerned. Cederholmsaid that they have had to conduct orientations remotely. He added that masksare mandatory in their premises, and the number of people accessing trucks hasbeen immensely reduced as a safety measure. Ball claimed that they initiallytried to work with virtual training but felt like it wouldn't work in such afield full of practical activities. He insisted on how physical presence is theway out for such kinds of training.

Schneiderunveiled their remote driver orientation program on the 17th ofSeptember to safely bring onboard new drivers by enhancing social distancing asper Tom DiSalvi. Conference rooms close to their training facilities are usedto offer the orientation to even more drivers remotely. DiSalvi said that thestudents were supplied with Chromebooks to grant them access to the remote sessions. 

Successful Truck Driver Training Programs amidst the Pandemic

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