
TheU.S. Department of Energy announced a $100 million SuperTruck 3 project funding.The project aims to include both medium and heavy-duty trucks as they focus onthe electrification of trucking. U.S Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholmstated that the transportation sector must aggressively minimize emissions toeliminate carbon emissions by 2050.

Improved efficiency by 50% with the first SuperTruck project

Initially, the first SuperTruck project improved heavy-duty truck freight efficiency by 50%. The second SuperTruck project sought to double the miles covered by a gallon of fuel. Above all, SuperTruck 3 is aimed at the use of renewable biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell technologies. Granholm stated that the project would create lots of job opportunities and at the same time help in the fight against adverse climate change through minimizing emissions. She reiterated that all sorts of trucks, be it Garbage trucks, delivery trucks, amongst others, must run on alternative or cleaner energy.

Joel Morrow, a test driver and trainer at Ploger Transportation stated that the Auxiliary Power Unit powered by solar created room for better resting and lessened pollution. In addition, Morrow added that the APUs are quieter and work well, eliminating the need to leave the engine raving to have the AC system running. He claimed that SuperTruck projects brought both productivity and efficiency for truckers. He also reiterated the importance of validating emission systems, stating that users have confidence in their efficiency once they are validated.

Battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cells will dominate the industry

Clark Lee, a driver with Nussbaum, said that it is crucial to have the technology working effectively to benefit the owner-operators. If efficient, owner-operators, who have few trucks, would save both money and the environment. Moreover, NACFE executive director Mike Roeth acknowledged that battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cells would dominate the trucking industry as it moves towards the timelines for attaining carbon-free transportation.

Kelly Speakes-Backman, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. DOE, stated that the government would fund the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. So, the program would ensure that EV chargers are availed at building apartments and other locations where passenger EVs would most likely be deployed. Also, she confirmed that U.S President Joe Biden had announced plans for installing 500,000 EV chargers across the U.S by 2030.

SuperTruck 3 Project Funding

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