
Covid-19 came with challengesthat affected the supply chain. According to reports, the challenges will spillover into 2022. Different ports and firms face different challenges in themiddle of the pandemic. All people involved in the supply chain must thereforeact quickly to sustain the same.

The Supply Chain Challenges

The high levels of demand are pushing the supply chain. Demand levels continue rising, therefore pushing the ports beyond their limits. The main challenge is that there is too much work to be done with little capacity and time to cover it. Warehouses, yards, and carriages are all overwhelmed by the current situation.

Reports indicated that there wasa drop in retail sales between June and July. However, compared to the previousyear, there was growth in the sales. Consumers have continued to venture intothe market despite the supply chain challenges and the increased commodityprices. Raymond James stated that the effect of Covid-19 was so huge; however,with time, improvement is on the way. He said that the challenges, includingsupply shortages and inflated prices, would ease with time.

Raymond James warned consumersagainst laying the waiting game to make purchases during November’s BlackFriday. He claimed that during that time, the supply chain would be even tighter.The challenges are global and will take patience to recover fully. Some ports wereclosed due to some positive cases of covid-19. That has slowed down themovement of commodities affecting the supply chain.

Solutions to the Supply Chain Challenges

The only way to solve the challenges affecting the supply chain is to have the ports fully reopened. Once all ports are working, the movement of commodities would be easier and faster. Another way is making the orders earlier to avoid rushes that lead to too much load, causing delays. If consumers try to avoid the wait for the November Black Friday, they will have their commodities delivered earlier.

Supply Chain Challenges to Spill over into 2022

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