
Elon Musk, CEO Tesla Inc., aired his stand stating that the company would reopen against the move by the California County, blocking them from resuming production at their car plant. He claimed that if anyone was to be arrested for the company's decision, it was to be him and not anyone else. The company's effort to resume production was blocked during the previous weeks by the local officials. Despite the hindrances, the company is set to recommence operations in the coming week.

An email sent by Valerie Capers Workman, the head of North American human resources at Tesla, stated that those staff members away on leave are to be contacted to be informed of the schedule upon which they would operate. The California Governor Gavin Newsom said that he expected the company to resume operations by 11thMay, claiming that Tesla and Alameda County had had quite healthy conversations over the same. 

Tesla had sued the county after they were told that their company didn’t meet the requirements necessary for resumption. The governor reiterated that despite allowing a few companies to resume manufacturing operations, they have put in place more strict rules around the whole reopening process. Newson claimed that he wasn’t aware of Tesla’s reopening in Fremont while the public health department refrained from issuing any comments over the issue. 

Musk displayed his disappointment claiming that if they were to be denied the chance to reopen, he would move the headquarters to Nevada or Texas. Newson, however, stated that Tesla is a company they have supported for quite some time and had a good relationship with the state, as Musk took to twitter his gratitude for the governor. 

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