
The government injected support into the Women in Trucking Association by creating the Women of Trucking Advisory Board. The advisory committee focuses on identifying, reporting, and addressing ways to have more women in trucking. WIT Association, formed in 2007, encourages having more women in the industry by addressing any hindrances within the industry.

WIT President and CEO Ellen Voie reiterated that the Promoting Women in Trucking Workforce Act aligns with WITs' goals. He acknowledged that there still are challenges that need solving despite the increase in the number of women in transportation. WIT identifies the challenges and works on addressing them.

Sen. Jerry Moran from Kansas stated that there had been much reliance on the trucking industry for transportation over the past year. Moran cited that the truckers had been so essential during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially with moving resources. He said that the legislation would create lots of job openings for women, and create equality amongst those in the industry.

FMCSA to set up the advisory board to attract women to the industry

There are very few female truck drivers. Because of that, The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration set up the advisory board to attract women to the industry. The committee will identify and address trends within the industry that discourage women from joining. Also, it will look for means to coordinate functions within the industry, create more opportunities and reach out to women.

Representatives from all organizations within the industry will be on the board, including a womens' representative. The committee will forward the report to FMCSA within 18 months. In addition, FMCSA will submit the findings to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives. FMCSA will highlight strategies offered by the board and the adoption plans of the same.

In short, the governments' reason for involvement is to create an amble environment for gender diversity in the industry. The accommodating environment will attract, retain and also promote women in the trucking industry, according to Voie.

The Government Injects Support into the Women in Trucking Association

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