
Trucking companies have had no option but to try to survive through the coronavirus tough times despite not knowing what the new way of operation would look like. President of moving and logistics at Suddath, Scott Perry, stated that through many years, they have survived by acclimatizing to customer needs. Perry acknowledged that there would be tremendous and continuous evolution in the industry. He reiterated that he couldn't state for sure what the impact will be like in the different sectors. He added that some retail customers might shift how they operate their businesses to adapt to the current situation. 

Geotab and Webfleet came together to work on a way that would assess how both countries and industries are currently progressing. A Global Commercial Transportation Recovery Dashboard was created to compare performance from the period before the pandemic and project the extent of time required to recover with the efforts put in place. Geotab’s vice president of data and analytics, Mike Branch, stated that he would be comfortable if he saw the manufacturing and freight transportation sectors performing well. He stated that the two sectors had been quite productive through the tough times. He also noted that other sectors had taken a slow turn to recovery except non-freight transportation, though, the ways of operation are expected to change to enhance safety and healthy operations.

Gulf Intermodal Services initially had it rough, though the sales stabilized in May. GIS President Will Connell stated that despite the expected improvements in June, there would be difficulties regarding returning to normalcy. He, however, added that their primary concern is having their customers contented. Connell was of the idea that after all constraints are eliminated, the trucking industry will experience lots more of consolidation. He also argued that not everyone would be able to soldier on through the pandemic, and therefore there will be a need for more togetherness to survive.

Estes Express Lines is optimistic for normalcy after the pandemic; the only worry is that there might be a reduced desire for final-mile delivery, according to Webb Estes, vice president of process improvement. Customers would not prefer to stay at home and wait for the deliveries for hours. United Road Services, Inc. CEO Mark Anderson responded to people's questions of whether they would return to normal by stating that though he is optimistic, no one can tell. There will be a need to adapt to the current state for survival. 

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