Industry news

The trucking industry has started to pick up and move on from the pandemic. It had held the economy hostage for a while. Paul Bingham noted that the economy is moving away from the tough days. He said they had gone through omicron, and there was no sign that the next wave would keep people at home. Since the pandemic seems to be nearing its end, most people have returned to work, decreasing its effects.

In an article by Transport Topics, Bingham insisted that some stats had become more positive. He added that the economy showed signs of how it was before the tough times struck. There is a better labor force and more spending on services, not just durables. He noted that consumer spending rose by 4.9% in January and 0.3% in February. However, he also admitted that several issues are causing uncertainties. He pointed out the issues in Europe with the invasion of Ukraine. It has led to a drastic rise in the prices of imported products, especially fuel. The inflation level is also very high.

Jack Atkins said that there is more employment capacity at the moment. He added that it indicates that the supply chain has begun to stabilize. At the moment, there is some fluidity in the supply chain. In addition, truckers are better poised to hire than a year ago. All this positivity put together will amount to a better economy shortly.

Coyote Logistics spot market rates rose throughout the pandemic. They struggled to meet the demand levels due to a lack of capacity. The spot rates were at 14% more at the end of the year. However, it still didn't match the 2020 numbers. Rejection rates of orders have gone down. The capacity has grown, hence a better supply chain. The truckers are now able to deliver their customers' orders. Slowly but steadily, there is a balance in the supply chain. The only challenge is acquiring tractor parts and access to new trucks. Other than that, there is hope for the industry and the economy.

The Trucking Industry Picking up

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