Industry news

Truck drivers and automation are two contrasting topics in the modern world. Most people think that automation will phase out drivers. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said that the drivers would remain very important. He argued that despite the technological advancements, drivers are still at the center of trucking.

According to Transport Topics, Walsh noted that there are new automated services in the industry. He added that drivers are here to stay and are vital to the industry. The drivers will still be crucial in most high-demand areas of the industry. Technology is not yet at a place where it could be able to run on its own. It is nowhere near getting rid of any drivers from their jobs.

Walsh insisted that as they are still monitoring the changes, they are not entirely a threat yet. The authorities have not come up with policies to regulate automation yet. These laws would protect those that feel endangered. The private sector has gone ahead to test the new technology. The aim is to introduce self-driving trucks to the market. Therefore, it would be important to have a framework to control them.

On the other hand, the US administration is still working on attracting more drivers. There are plans to lure and retain more drivers in the industry. The Department of Labor partnered with ATA to tackle the driver shortage. As a result, there is a plan to improve new recruitments and drivers' retention. The industry requires about eighty thousand new drivers.

Long-term solution

Walsh noted that they are working on making the industry more attractive to new talents. The plan is to have a long-term solution to the driver shortage. It's not just about the supply chain issues at the moment; it's about the industry's long-term future. If the future is taken care of now, then all will be smooth for both consumers and suppliers.

As the authorities tackle all other issues, they must remember the truckers. They were crucial to survival throughout the tough times of the pandemic. They must come up with a way to protect them as technology advances. For a thriving trucking industry, technology has to co-exist with these drivers.

Truck Drivers and Automation
Truck Drivers and Automation

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