
Following complaints filed by residents of mixed-use neighborhoods, truck drivers are to be heavily fined for illegally parking on right-of-ways in Orange County. The residents feel that the trucks block the view of their properties lowering the properties' value. The issues raised have led to the sanctioning of new laws that would see illegally parked commercial trucks heftily fined.


Deputy Sheriffs and parking-enforcement specialists are expected to swing into action and implement the new rules by the 2nd of November when the laws become effective. So, from that date they will be expected to issue tickets of $150 per day for trucks illegally parked on the right-of-way. The law was passed without any dispute by the Orange County commissioners.

Truck Drivers Heavily Fined for Illegally parking

$150 per day for an illegally parked trucks

Patricia Rumph, president of the Pine Hills Community Council, reiterated that the hefty fines would eventually send a stern message to the truckers with time. In addition, she claimed that the trucks parked along the neighborhoods are a problem for pedestrians and other motorists. Initially, illegal parking only warranted a $30 fine a day, but the truckers got accustomed to and paid it as part of the cost of operating in the trucking industry.


Alan Marshall, who was amongst the stakeholders for the charges' increment, stated that the rigs are too large. Therefore, when parked along right-of-ways, they block ambulances, fire engines, school buses, and garbage trucks, and are a danger to children making their way to and from schools on foot. Alan added that the new regulations would be paramount to clear up the streets initially used to harbor unroadworthy vehicles (currently towed away). Also, he added that people shouldn't even park recreational vehicles there.

When parked along right-of-ways vehicles block ambulances, fire engines, school buses

Commissioner Victoria Siplin suggested an increment of the fine to $250; however, later settled for $150, stating that it's a fine start. Marshall added that the amendments were necessary for response to countless complaints filed in the recent past. The rules also affect pickup trucks with commercial trailers; only trucks that offer active services would be allowed to park there. MetroPlan Orlando, the transportation planning organization for Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties, raised the issue two years ago. In their defense, trucks claim that the critical shortage of parking places forces them into illegal parking. 

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