
The US president, Donald Trump, was in full praise of the truck drivers during an event at the white house, stating that they have been at the center of it all to ensure Americans have the supplies they need to forge through the Covid-19 pandemic period. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao and American Trucking Associations President Chris Spear were also in attendance at the event. Trump seemed optimistic about the measures put in place to curb coronavirus, and expressed his hope for the $2 trillion measure that would handle infrastructure repairs need be. 

Stephen Richardson, America’s Road Team Captain, who works for Big G Express, said that they had partnered with the spirits producer, Jack Daniels, who were making hand sanitizers, as Gig G Express worked on the deliveries of the same. The deliveries are for drivers, health facilities and others for businesses. Drivers from UPS, FedEx, and DHL were also in attendance and were all awarded with a golden key by the president. They all had a chance to share their experiences.

Chris Spear reiterated that during such difficult moments, even the slightest recognition means a lot to people who are working tirelessly to make others comfortable. He added that the drivers, just like any other person, have their families, and therefore recognizing their effort is so important. ATA, FedEx Corp., UPS Inc., J.B. Hunt, YRC Worldwide, United Airlines, Crowley Maritime, Uber, DHL, and LDJ Global Strategies, are all members of the transportation stakeholders, a group part of the president's economic advisers.  

The meeting with truckers came just shortly before the president convened with the governors to lay down a strategy f reopening parts of the economy. The president and the governors said that the reopening would be based on factual information from the relevant stakeholders, with the healthcare at the helm of it all. Governors reiterated that it all would depend on America’s ability to successfully put in place more widespread testing and contact tracing strategies, to avoid the risk of worsening the already sour situation. While some Republicans are for reopening of the economy, the Democrats seem reluctant, and even New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that his people would have to stay indoors longer, till May 15th

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue also aired her sincere appreciation for the patriotic citizens and what they have been able to do to ensure that the food supply chain is maintained despite the challenges. The individuals acknowledged by Purdue were inclusive of farmers, producers, processors, truckers, and grocery store workers.

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