
The biggest news of the week is the first Covid-19 vaccine shipment. The truckers are active and an integral part of distributing the vaccine to fight against Covid-19. The first shipments were made a few days ago and already reached their destinations.

The first shipments

As previously said, the truckers have been active in distributing the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. The first shipments of the vaccine were made on the 13th from Michigan to different distribution centers throughout the United States. The truckers have been so important to ensure that the vaccine reaches the citizens. And their role will remain the same in the future. Reports show that the health workers will be first to receive the doses.

UPS Inc., FedEx Corp., and Boyle Transportation are the companies that have been at the helm of the distribution. Nine hundred seventy-five vials of the vaccine (each with five doses) are packaged in an insulated box and loaded onto the trucks. The process of shipping is a sensitive challenge, especially the aspect of temperature. To restraint any challenges related to temperature, the vaccine is kept at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. GPS-enabled thermal sensors were installed to track both temperature and location status. 

33.6 million doses before the end of the year

Truckers will help ship out up to 33.6 million doses before the end of the year to serve up to 20 million people, even though some will remain skeptical of taking the vaccine with claims that it was hurriedly approved. However, most people are willing to take the doses, with health workers, followed by other essential workers and other high-risk groups.

Truckers active in distributing the Covid-19 vaccine

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