
Several measures are being eyed as a move to reinvigorate the economy of the U.S when the Coronavirus pandemic passes. Both the Democrats and the Republicans differ in terms of the priorities they view as suitable. However, President Donald Trump was not shy to express how optimistic he was that the economic stimulus package of $1.8 trillion would prevail through the house on votes. The plan entails a guarantee of up to $8 billion of loans to cargo air carriers. 

Trump stated that the matter was not complicated at all, in his view, saying that it's the state obligation to save workers and companies so that they can be able to restore to their daily lives soon after the pandemic. He reiterated how confident he was, claiming that the package would be satisfying and that it would be passed without any doubts. He acknowledged that the votes might say otherwise, but they are close to sealing the same. 

The whole country has eyes set on congress to provide a solution to the impending predicaments that needs to be urgently solved.  The senators are set to vote on the same on 23rdMarch, though the Democrats argue that the deal is not sufficient since overwhelming numbers of unemployment are imminent. 

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was frustrated because the Republicans failed to gather enough votes to pass the proposal majorly due to partisan differences. He was aggravated with the fact that the Democrats were causing a stall on the move to pass the package, despite the American citizens expecting the state to make a move that will bring assurance that after the Coronavirus, there still will be life economically.  

The Democrats are concerned that the package would turn out insufficient, and therefore there is a need to give more priority to individuals, small businesses, and healthcare nationally. Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated that though the motion is still in the senate, the Americans must be duly considered. 

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