
News in form Atlanta states that UPS Inc., a giant logistics company, is ferrying ventilators manufactured in a General Motors facility in Kokomo to hospitals in the general area of Chicago. The ventilators being shipped to Chicago and Olympia Field are made by General Motors and Ventec Life Systems in Kokomo. The ventilators are aimed at treating patients with the Coronavirus, and according to schedule, the first deliveries were to be made on the 17thand 18thof April.

GM’s mass production of ventilators was a shift under contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to avail 30,000 ventilators by the end of August. In addition to the deliveries, UPS donated N95 masks meant for hospitals in Georgia on the 16thof April. The company also reiterated that they had enough of the masks for its employees. UPS is also supportive of project Airbridge and added over 200 air cargo flights this month. The project is meant to ensure test kits, personal protective equipment, and other supplies are shipped in time. 

UPS has also already been able to ship lots of millions of 3M masks and 250 drums of hand sanitizers to the Healthcare industry. The CEO, David Abney, reiterated that they are making the deliveries to customer needs for both business and their families. 

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