
Glenna Willis, a professional driver, has had quite a challenge to physically interact with her husband as he takes the therapy sessions. She works for Tri-State Expedited and has to connect with the husband through Google Duo to attend the meetings during her breaks, over the phone. It is one way of how long-distance drivers can connect with their loved ones as they sometimes spend too much time on the road. Jeremy Reymer, president of DriverReach, reiterated that it is not the drivers’ wish to be in places where they are physically disconnected from their people.  

Ellen Voie, president of Women In Trucking Association, stated that the drivers are often exposed to Covid-19 on the road and, therefore, wouldn't want to risk infecting their families back at home. Dan Van Alstine, president of Ruan, said that family is the priority for all the drivers, and they are always anxious to know how they are. According to Reymer, Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams offer a means of communication for the drivers. Kim McGinnis uses Google Duo to reach his entire family and the family chat room via Facebook Messenger. 

David Broyles, the director of driver services for Averitt Express, claimed that most drivers stay in touch with others by using cellphones. Bob Stanton stated that the Cellphones are the modern-day CB radios. He said he also makes video calls with the wife every morning to check in on the family and to share location daily. Josh Rodriguez, a driver for Grand Island Express, also stated that he connects with family through Facebook to make them aware of his location and how they are faring. 

Steve Kane, president of Rolling Strong, stated that communication is vital for the drivers to be able to maintain mental stability. He has a mobile app where drivers can meet and make friends online. The app creates an avenue for interaction. For the case of Averitt, they have a closed group where they air their grievances and ask questions to be sorted out. The same keep drivers healthy not only physically but also mentally through active virtual interactions.  

According to Barry Richards, the president, some trucking companies, including TravelCenters of America, have Wi-Fi at their locations. Richards said that the Wi-Fi requires lots of equipment and maintenance to be run since users are so many. Jason Pesek, product manager for KeepTruckin, stated that the company’s Vehicle Gateway is an option for offering Wi-Fi. The same provides the drivers to complete tasks related to their work. George Koroneos, a spokesman for Verizon, stated that Verizon MiFi Jetpack has a cellular service that provides the drivers with another option. 

CB radios are not as popular as they used to be. Rodriguez claims he has never seen the need to acquire one. The radios help give drivers a heads up of the situation on the roads. Despite the dire need for communication, safety must be observed on the road by avoiding destructions such as the use of phones while driving. 

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