Industry news

Women in trucking have been a sensitive topic for a while now. The number of women in trucking has not been so promising. In an article by trucknews.com, research shows that the main issue causing the situation is how women view the industry. Most women view the industry quite negatively.

A survey of 1,500 job-seeking women had some interesting outcomes. The outcome was not all positive. Only 23% of the women who responded said they would work in this sector. The root cause of the same is some outdated and wrong perceptions. Some claimed that they were not confident about driving trucks. That shows that they need to be made aware of other opportunities available in the industry.

Lack of Awareness

The survey revealed that lack of awareness was the main problem. Most women seemed unaware that trucking offers more jobs than just driving. Most of them listed office jobs they would be willing to do. They seemed to be unaware that trucking also offers the same office jobs. Besides the lack of awareness, some women had other reasons. Some claimed they lacked interest and passion for taking up roles in trucking.

Some Feel Unwelcomed

Some women claimed that they felt unwelcome. The industry needs to do more to attract more women. A majority of the women said they did not feel wanted. The good news about the survey is that it is an eye-opener. It allows truckers to do more to attract women and clears some false perceptions about trucking. It creates some positivity that would work in favor of both the industry and the women who desire to take up roles in trucking. The ball is now in the court of the trucking industry. They must work around getting rid of the barriers that scare women away. They must eliminate the negative perception of the industry and make it more attractive.

Women-Owned Companies in the Trucking Industry

Despite the number of women in trucking being low, some have stepped up and even own companies in trucking. CW Carriers USA Inc., owned by Ljiljana Trkulja, is a good example. Driven by determination, she relentlessly pursued her ambitions in the trucking industry. With clear goals and unwavering effort, she overcame all obstacles to achieve remarkable success.

Another one is AGT Global Logistics, owned by Angela Eliacostas. Angela is highly experienced in the trucking sector. She had a vision and stood by it to make her dream come true. Aria Logistics, founded by Arelis Gutierrez, is another good example. Arelis aimed to serve the industry, and she went for it. These are but a few examples. Women can conquer the industry if they desire to do so.

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